Club Rules
If a problem arises between a player and coach:
- The club has ZERO tolerance in regards to any illegal activities by its members. SETX Elite will dismiss any member caught smoking, involved in drugs, drinking, or any illegal activities.
- It is expected that all members of SETX Elite (players, coaches, and parents) will represent themselves and the club in a respectful manner at all times. Everyone must understand that we are guest in the gyms we practice and compete in. All actions reflect upon the player, team, and SETX Elite.
- We expect parents to have respect towards our players, coaches, & referees at all times. Let the coaches do their jobs, which will help your player grow and develop into a mature skilled player. Be supportive of each team as well as opponents, and set a good sportsmanship example.
- We expect players to treat other players, coaches, and anyone else involved with SETX Elite with respect. Players must watch your actions and words on/off the court. We will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind with other team’s players, fans, coaches, and officials.
- If an athlete develops an attitude of a negative nature during the season the coach and director will meet with the player and their parents to address the issue which may include discussing further association of the player with the club.
- Everyone will ref, keep score, and line judge at all tournaments. The entire team must stay as a team until the team is completely done. Dismissal is done by the coach at the END of the day.(Do not leave unless dismissed by the coach. There are times the team may have to ref even if we are done playing. Time is not a factor. For example, if the team has an afternoon tournament, it may end anywhere from 7-10 pm)
- Club volleyball is competitive. In order to instill competitiveness in the players, playing time is earned during practice. Although it should be equal for all players, any playing time in a tournament is entirely the coach’s decision.
- If a player becomes injured during the season a doctor’s release is required for the player to return to practices and/or tournaments.
- All athletes should be fully dressed and ready to practice at the start of their assigned practice at all times.
- Players must notify their coach PRIOR to ANY absence or tardiness.
- Excessive absences and tardiness will NOT be tolerated. Please understand that you committed yourself to a TEAM and that participation is necessary for a winning team. Excessive tardiness & absences will be discussed in private with the player and their parent. Possible dismissal from the team can result due to excessive absences and tardiness.
- We understand that there may be times when there is an emergency. We will take and look at each situation on a “case by case” basis.
- Excused absences include mandatory school activities. Players are still required to notify the coach prior to the absence and may be required to show proof of the activity to avoid any consequence for missing.
- Players will have a consequence for each time they are late or miss practice. Consequences are at the coach’s discretion which will be previously approved by the director.
If a problem arises between a player and coach:
- Player talks with the head coach of their team.
- Player & parent talk with the head coach of their team.
- Player, parent, coach, & director will meet. (The director will not discuss playing time.)